Our first story of motherhood is by Ally our social media manager

My start to motherhood was one that I didn’t realise was as common as it is! In 2019, it began with the loss of a baby. I then went on to have a little boy, Jack, in June of 2020. He was born prematurely and went straight to the neonatal unit for some help with his breathing and a very low birth weight. The only way I really felt like his mum was when I expressed milk to feed him down his NG tube. The whole experience was quite traumatic but I then went on to have a little girl, Elle, who is 2 and a half now. Her pregnancy and birth was really healing and an incredible experience. 1 in 10 babies go to the neonatal unit when they are born, and I never realised how common it was for a baby to need some help! If I could go back and tell my pre-baby self anything, it would be to not put any pressure on myself to feel like a mum immediately. Jack & Elle are 4 and 2 now and the absolute joy and magic in my life!